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Charney Lawyers: Website


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Charney Lawyers is a boutique litigation and class action law firm located in Toronto, Ontario but serves Canadian clients from coast to coast. Recognizing that their current website design was aging and was not responsive to mobile devices, Charney Lawyers approached Cubicle Fugitive to provide recommendations to refresh the look and functionality to be both client and administrator friendly.

In conjunction with Charney’s new brand and logo, Cubicle Fugitive’s goal was to design a website that portrayed Charney Lawyers as the top tier boutique litigation and class action firm that they are. Based upon the feedback from our discovery phase and brand report, we worked with Charney Lawyers to design a new website featuring their refreshed brand that updated the overall look and feel with an improved colour scheme, layout, typography, and illustrative photography.  Another update on the new website was the incorporation of a mega-menu that showcases a brief description of the pages for improved user experience.

Housing all the class action microsites on the main firm’s website allows for better control of brand consistency, increases the firm’s presence in search engines, and eases the ability for internal administrators to maintain content because updates are made in one central location.

Cubicle Fugitive also optimized the firm’s website for widescreens, mobile phones, and tablets. We used a responsive strategy that ensures that content is tailored to the device that is viewing it and that all interactions with the site are optimally enhanced to ensure the website is accessible and easy to read. It also has the ability to click-to-call which allows potential clients to easily contact the firm while using their mobile device.

Another enhancement to the firm’s site was the addition of a lawyer bio page. A professional bio is a chance to make a great first impression with potential clients, referrals, and other lawyers. We designed and developed new lawyer bios with the firm’s existing photography (due to restrictions with COVID-19) and incorporated tabbed sections to allow visitors to easily skim through information. At this time, the firm opted not to interlink services, news, cases, or class action to the lawyer bios, but it can easily be implemented.

Charney Lawyers has established a reputation for conducting class action litigation. They have represented millions of Canadians in over 50 class actions, covering all practice areas. When the firm first came to us, they had numerous class action microsites built on a number of different platforms with inconsistent designs. Our recommendation was to house all the microsites on the new firm’s content management system (CMS) for brand consistency and to ease administration for their team. 

Cubicle Fugitive designed and developed landing page templates for the class actions that included an overview/home page, related documentation, related news, and media updates, registration forms, and contact information. The beauty of building these microsites within Sitefinity’s CMS is its ability to easily interlink content from the firm’s main site. All related news and media updates that are added to the main firm site can effortlessly be added to its related class action with a click of a checkbox in the backend. Another great feature is the ability to track class action registrants through the CMS. Charney Lawyers opted for two options. The first is an email notification with a customized Subject Line that gets sent to their staff when a visitor registers for a class action. The second is the ability to extract the list of registrants as an excel document for any individual class action.

The design and development of the website was focused on updating the look with their new brand, the website’s responsiveness, and improving the firm’s Class Action microsites. The firm was pleased with the end-result and commented on how crisp and clean, attractive, user-friendly, and creative yet classy the website turned out. Cubicle Fugitive continues to work with Charney Lawyers with ongoing marketing, social media, and website updates.

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