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McMaster University: Institute for Research on Aging Website


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The McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) is a virtual institute where the diverse expertise of McMaster’s researchers can collaborate to create practical and implementable solutions that will make a positive impact on the health of our aging population now and in the future.

The result is an attractive, modern, mobile responsive website that promotes MIRA’s vision by making key content easy to access and navigate, as well as add updates to continue to grow and develop.

Cubicle Fugitive worked with MIRA to realize the institute’s vision through a visually appealing, responsive, and intuitive new website that puts the user at the core of the platform. We developed the website on an enterprise content management system to allow internal administrators with total control of keeping this valuable resource current.

The result is an attractive, modern, mobile responsive website that promotes MIRA’s vision by making key content easy to access and navigate, as well as add updates to continue to grow and develop.

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