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McMaster University: Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Website


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Launched in 2018, McMaster University’s Michael G. DeGroote Initiative for Innovation in Healthcare Medicinal Cannabis Research Centre serves as a resource point for researchers, policymakers, health care professionals, students, alumni, public, and other stakeholders interested in the growing field of cannabis research. The Centre is dedicated to academic leadership by promoting collaboration in research, practice, and policy to make positive differences.

Cubicle Fugitive worked with the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research to design and develop a new website. We worked with the Centre to map out a website architecture, conceptual design, and seamless functionality and ease of use experience. Their new platform was intended to fulfil the Centre’s mission of promoting McMaster University and the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine as leaders in the area of cannabis research. The content disseminated on the website and through the Centre’s social media activities and subscription-based emails are intended to drive engagement and encourage stakeholders to return to the website.

With McMaster's strong brand in place and a new logo in development, the Centre‘s administrators wanted to draw upon these elements to create a modern, consistent, and professional look.

The goal of this project was to create a new website that reflects the Centre’s vision, mission, and key objectives. This was achieved by utilizing a site structure that allows users to effortlessly navigate through information on the site, emphasizing the content of importance to their target markets throughout the site, attractive and modern design with the use of photography to break up text and eliminate reader fatigue, and lastly implementing SEO tools so that the Centre can be easily found online.

During the design phase of the project, McMaster University launched a new brand and because of this change, the internal stakeholders at the Centre decided to adopt the new look onto their website for brand consistency.

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