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McMaster University: Child Life Studies Website


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Launched in 2016, McMaster University’s Master’s in Child Life and Pediatric Psychosocial Care (formerly known as McMaster University Child Life Studies) is a professional and practice-focused graduate degree program. These courses teach students about pediatric psychosocial assessments and interventions, ethical issues, and how to apply theoretical knowledge and patient and family-centered care principles to diverse clinical settings.

Working closely with the department, Cubicle Fugitive redesigned the current design and layout, now including an edge-to-edge screen layout, while remaining responsive to mobile devices, with a mega-menu for ease of navigation.

In 2015, McMaster Child Life Studies contacted Cubicle Fugitive to help design a new website that was clean, modern, and aesthetically appealing. All while remaining on-brand with the new look of the many Health Sciences department websites and adhering to the McMaster brand guidelines.

Working closely with the department, Cubicle Fugitive redesigned the current design and layout, now including an edge-to-edge screen layout, while remaining responsive to mobile devices, with a mega-menu for ease of navigation. The program content describing the two Streams was also reconfigured into tabs so a student can seamlessly click through the information and learn more about the requirements for admission. The photography on the site was taken by the University to be used as campaign shots and the ones that appear on the website were selected by the department.

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